Contract Grazing Factsheet Series Now Available

Iowa Beef Center has released new facts sheets on contract grazing for cattle.

March 25, 2013

2 Min Read
Contract Grazing Factsheet Series Now Available

A new four-part series of fact sheets on contract grazing for cattle is now available on the Iowa Beef Center (IBC) website. Two Iowa State University (ISU) Extension specialists are Iowa representatives to the specialized working group within the Green Lands, Blue Water project that developed the new resource. Joe Sellers, ISU Extension beef program specialist, and small farms specialist Andy Larson worked with project members from Wisconsin and Minnesota to identify needs and information for those who graze cattle.

"Our group has been working on these fact sheets as a source of assistance to graziers and cattle owners who use custom grazing in their management schemes," Sellers says. "As cow numbers increase and available pasture acres decrease, we want people to recognize and learn more about options for their operations."

One such option is the development of working partnerships with other producers to access pasture through contract grazing. Each of the four new fact sheets focuses on one topic related to contract grazing: contract grazing basics, evaluating land suitability, rental and lease agreements, and contract grazing rates.

The fact sheets can be viewed, download and printed at no cost from these links:

1. The Basics of Contract Grazing

2. Evaluating Land Suitability for Grazing Cattle

3. Pasture Rental and Lease Agreements

4. Rates Charged for Contract Grazing Arrangements

These fact sheets can be used to supplement existing grazing-related information on the IBC website, specifically under “Cattle Grazing Survey 2007.” 


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